Do you ever wonder what your waiting for ….
You know the one day I am going to take pottery lessons kind of thing. When is one day? when your older? when you have more time? more money ? or maybe its when you can do something for yourself without feeling guilty. For a long time I had thought about taking pottery lessons. I had an Auntie who did pottery, and as a child I was always in awe of the beautiful mugs and other things she would make. I love the whole concept of pottery, playing in the mud so to speak and creating something from a piece of clay. So last year I decided to just do it! after all what was I waiting for. A friend and I enrolled in a class which we started attending once a week. I think we thought we would be naturals, how hard could it be. Well let me tell you it is hard, it takes practice, practice and more practice but its fun and I love it, the process is slow and time consuming but it is also addictive. I love the anticipation of going to the pottery studio to collect my finished pieces you never know just how they will turn out once you have glazed and fired them, it is a real thrill and something I will never get sick of.
I don’t think people realise the time that goes into something that is hand thrown on the wheel from clay. Knowing now just what is involved in creating a finished product I appreciate and understand just why pottery is so expensive.
A friend of mine is having a exhibition this weekend and she asked me a few months ago if I would like to put some pottery pieces into the exhibition, I wanted my pieces to fit into the theme of the exhibition which is birds. The photo in this post is some of my little birds which will be in the exhibitions.
I have included a pottery tab on my blog where I hope to showcase some of my pieces in the future so watch this space. In the meantime I say to you do something for you go on what are you waiting for.
x Trace
I love the pottery birds!! How clever to make them and fit into the theme. Please accept my apology to you, Anne and Ralph for not attending the exhibition. My son is having his family engagement lunch on Sunday and I am busy cooking on Saturday, otherwise I would have loved to attend. Please pass this onto Anne and Ralph. Have a great time this weekend. I shall be thinking of you all. X Judy