When a friend today mentioned that she was making a lasagne and I myself was planning to make a risotto it got me thinking. Sometimes we are so busy we forget to eat well. Most of us are guilty of rushing around sometimes our weeks are so busy we are grabbing a bite here and there on the run, working through lunch breaks and so on. I am a lover of quotes and recently saw one which said “one of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever we are doing and devote our attention to eating” Winter is a time when our body needs to be nurtured, kept warm and feed well. I hope the pics above will give you some inspiration this week to stop for a bit and enjoy something yummy and delicious that warms your body and your heart. Even if you are not a cook, a tin of soup and a crusty loaf of bread which you can sit and really enjoy will do you the world of good. Have a wonderful week. x Trace